Still Tetsushi doesn't listen to us well so we decided to use a 'classic' timeout trick. Every time we's naughty, we say we are going to take dark place - a corner of lounge - which I did once - and he suddenly chnages his attitude. His face becomes stern, and serious. Then he changes his close and nappy without shouting and yelling! It's like a miracle. It's not very good to scare him all the time, but it is necessary for him to learn discipline. He is scared to hear "部屋の隅、真っ暗くら".
His cold is almost gone, although he's got runny nose, and generally his condition is fine. he eats well, with our spoon feeding, and he plays well. He's happy to go to toilet for pee. He sits on Poo-san. He loves singing now. He can sing songs together if we sing a song. He likes Sparrow song 小燕子(chinese), Anpanman Marchアンパンマンマーチ, Omocha no chachacha おもちゃのチャチャチャ(Japanese) etc. Next time we will show you a video in which he's singing.
Now the second baby is coming soon, and he often says 'もうすぐお兄ちゃんなる' (soon I'll be a big brother'. He likes touching mummy's swollen tommy. Surely he understands a new baby is there. he's a big boy now.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Poor sick boy
Tetsushi got cold since last weekend. He has running nose, and he coughs so much. Maybe he is influnced by our bording student who is sick for nearly 2 weeks and spreading virus to every where in the house. He can't sleep well because of coughing. However, he is still quite happy to go to the creche. He doesn't have appetite and doesn't like drinking milk now. Hopefully he can get well soon. This website talkes about baby's sickness problems.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Toilet training successful again.
Since this week, Tetsushi starts to accept to do the toilet training again. We used potty as first. Two days ago, he suddently said "I sit" and we put him on the toilet. Then finally he could make pee successfully again in the toilet. When the weather is warmer, we will train him to make poo in the toilet as well. However, he still doesn't know how to tell us when he wants to make pee.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tetsushi composed a new song.
Yesterday, Tetsushi was sitting down on the sofa and started to sing a song we don't know. We don't know where he learned such a song. It sounds like a Japanese, but not really correct Japanese. The words of the song are "Mo Ni Na, Ta Ma Ne Gi Man (も~に~な~、たまねぎまん(ながねぎまん?)" and he repeated it a few times. It is his first song.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Got better

He makes pee in a small plastic container. He doesn't like going to toilet so he decided to do this way. This way we can save nappies, hopefully.
The monster who ate darkness is his another favourite book. He call it '真っ暗モンスター’. This morning he took it to his creche. He always carries with him something.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We got a new picture book from OBAACHAN (おばあちゃん). It's another Barbapapa book, in which Barbapapa goes to find his partner, Barbamama. Tetsushi liked this book instantly, and I had to read this book five time last night. he likes バーバモジャ(Barbabeau) more than anyone. He laughs loud when he hears モジャモジャ. He's a very hairy barba and he is an artist.
Japanese language is very rich in onomatopoeia, and every time he hears this kind of sound, he's so happy. ごぼごぼ、ばちゃばちゃ、どんどんetc.
At Campus creche, he can make pee when they use a potty. Maybe to resume toilet training, we might have to buy a new potty. The second baby is also coming. It will be useful, but he's such a big boy but back to potty??? He doesn't want to go to toilet
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Big One!

It's August, and Hamilton's getting a little bit warmer at daytime, but the spring hasn't come yet totally. Once it gets warmer, we can resume toilet training. Tetushi is growing - I see some changes.
One of his recent favourite words is 'Big One!'. He liked 'small' before, but now if we say, it's small, we correct it with 'Big One'. he want a big piece of kiwi fruit, a big cookie, a big spoon yoghurt etc. Is he simply greedy???
he still likes Anpanman, but he watched his DVDs too many times. His favourite is still 'ITAINO TONDEKE DAKE - Pain, Goaway, Mushroom'. He likes '真っ暗' - in this episode, Baikinman and Anpanman go deep into a cave where it's all dark.
These days he listens to us quite well, but when he doesn't want to listen to me, he calls MAMA!, and vice varsa. No more daddy boy!?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Midwife checking
We went to see midwife last week. We heared the baby's heart beating for the first time. It was 148 times per minute. It is slower than Tetsushi's, which was 160 times per minute. My condition and the baby are normal so far. We will meet the midwife again at the end of the month. She will send me to do other scan and we will know the sex of the baby.
He likes staying at Poppets now.
This is the second week to stay at Poppets for Tekkun. He is used to stay there finally without crying. There is a Chinese teather and he likes her so much. He also can make pee in the creche. But he doesn't want to do it at home. His English is getting better as well. His favourite words are" Big One; More, More; Another One".
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